How to use the collector card

How to edit your own data

When you are logged in to Crowncaps.Info you are able to make changes to your own Collector card. All you need to do is to click Edit and all controls will be enabled to make changes. Once you are done, you can save the changes by pressing Save. To cancel changes, just press Cancel.

Personal Info

First name
Your first or given name
Your family name
Street address or P.O. Box
Postal code
The postal code of your street address or P.O. Box
The location (city, village etc.) of your street address
Your country of residence
The languages you can speak and/or write in
Birth year
The year you were born
Your profession, the type of work you do
Start collection
The year you started collecting
Last login
Last time the collector logged in


You can add your own photo here. Use the button Change photo in the top of the screen to add or change your photo. Images to be used are restricted to the following:

Only file types of jpg, png or gif are allowed
Maximum of 280 pixels
Maximum of 280 pixels
Maximum of 50 kB


Enter your personal e-mail address here
Website address
Enter your personal crown cap website here

Crown stats info

Use crown stats
This setting allows you to indicate if you want to use the crown stats or not. If set to "No", the button Go to Crown Stats of in the top of your screen is not shown, nor is the option "Auto update from stats" available. Set this option to "No" if you for example do not count your collection per country.
Collection size
The total amount of caps in your collection
Most represented country
The country of which you have the most caps
The amount of caps from the country of which you have the most caps
The total of different countries of which you have caps
Last counted
The date you last counted your collection
Inside prints
Indicates if you collect inside pictures
Factory signs
Indicates if you collect caps by factory sign. If you have 2 of the same caps from two different crown factories, you consider them as two new caps for your collection.
Count beer separately
If you set this option to yes, you can count your beer caps separate from your other caps in the Crown Stats. If set to "no" you can only enter a total amount of caps per country, independent of product.
Auto update from stats
If you set this to "yes", for every change in your crown stats, the system will count all caps from your crown stats and will update the following data:
  • • Collection size
  • • Most represented country
  • • Size
  • • Countries
  • • Last counted


Liner is the inside of a crown. This will indicate if you collect All, Only plastic or Only cork liner.
This option indicates if you collect all, only unused or only used caps
This option indicates if you collect Only beer, Only soft drink/soda, All alcoholic beverages or a Specific interest
This option indicates if you collect Worldwide, US Only or Specific interest. (More options can be added in the future)
Specific interests
You can add here any specific interest you have.
Add any relevant information here
Favorite caps
Let everyone know what your favorite caps are
Storage system
Describe here how you store your collection.