- Country
- City
- Solsona
- Birth year
- 1967
- Languages
Català; Español; English (help of translator)
- Start collection
- 2008
- Last action
- March 9, 2025 at 9:56 AM
- joan.codol@gmail.com
- Website address
- crown-caps.net/repe/3088
Crown caps stats
- Ranking
- 365
- Collection size
- 17,000
- Countries
- 169
- Most represented country
- Inside prints
- Yes
- Factory signs
- Yes
- Liner
- All
- Condition
- All
- Products
- Specific interests
- Region
- Specific interests
- Specific interests
Estic interessat amb plaques de cervesa tipus cava, i les canvio per similars, o per corones artesanes espanyoles. Estoy interesado en las plaquitas de cerveza tipo cava, que cambiaria por similar, o por corona artesana española. I am interested in plates cava type of beer (not Champagne), and a similar change by Spanish artisans or crowns.
- Miscellaneous
Colecciono muselets de biere de todo el mundo, placas de cava, espumosos internacionales y tapón corona español. A cambio ofrezco tapones corona, muselets de biere y placas de espumosos/cava. Repeated sparkling/cava: www.xapes.net/ca/repe/7671
- Favorite caps
I collect beer muselets from all over the world, and sparkling wines, with a preference for international ones (all over the world except France and Italy). I offer crown-caps, muselets de biere, and cava plates.
- Blind trading
- No
- Favorites: Countries
Trade partners
Received ratings: 69

Сергей(Sergey) Якуш(Yakush) → Joan Torramorell
Everything is very good. Excellent caps. I am very pleased and grateful to you. I will be very glad to our further communication.
May 13, 2023

Joan Torramorell → Сергей(Sergey) Якуш(Yakush)
Cool change! Very fast and good communication, excellent collector and a better person! Thank you!!
April 13, 2023

Leif Larsen → Joan Torramorell
This was neither a trade nor a barter. Just a nice and gentle Spaniard who sent me an email and asked if I had Norwegian beer muselets. I happened to have one from Lindheim Ølkompani, which I sent him as a gift from Norway. Have a nice time Joan!
July 7, 2021

Joan Torramorell → Leif Larsen
Highly recommended user, excellent treatment, everything perfect!
July 7, 2021