Joe Hofer

A gigantic swap of >400 caps by post. Joe is absolutely trustworthy and offers a great variaty of doubles. Thanks for bearing with me, as it took me some time to get everything in the right order.

Großes Lob an dich Wolfgang. Das war mei bisher größter Tausch auf dem Postweg. Ich hoffe unsere Tauschwege treffen sich wider einmal.

Thank you, Joe, for awesome caps. A friendly and honest collector (2024.01)

Perfect and very fast exchange. Great communication. Thanks Joe.

great exchange, very good quality of caps and great communication, Thanks a lot.

Thank you for the exchange Joe. I recommand you as e reliable trader. Lots of new Austrian caps!

ottimo scambio veloce e preciso molto materiale dell'Austria tappi in ottime condizioni

Nice photo trade including some series caps. Everything went very well. Thank you, Joe!

Ciao pacco arrivato un po in ritardo ma tutto ok grazie per i tappi in omaggio alla prossima!!!

Vielen Dank für den Austausch, ich wünsche Ihnen viele neue Kronkorken in der Sammlung.

04 - 2019 ( 100 caps ) Very great trade. Serious collector. Thank.