Robert Dowdle
Personas con las que cambias

Very nice and "heavy" trade with Robert. Excellent communication. Excellent caps.

Many new German caps, so include Karamalz sets for my collection, thanks Jurgen. 400 from photos.

Very good trade, a reliable and kind trading partner.

wonderfully nice exchange, mainly for interior prints. fantastic 👍🏻🥳 Thank you, dear Robert

Thank you Beat, I added 2 new countries to my collection!

I am so happy with the trade. At the moment USA is one of my favourites. 260 caps from photo is great. My favourites are leinies sam adams but there werea lot of mountain dew and dr peppers too. Super corks Frosty ! Big thanks Robert !

Thanks Guido, this trade was a pleasure. 260 caps from photos.

Excellent trade, maybe we can do a larger exchange in the future. 130 caps from photos.

Perfect exchange. Great person, perfect and fast exchange.

Great caps from Italy and many rare countries. 172 from photos + 100 blind.

Yeah, that was a great trade. Lots of American crown caps and also a number of Coca-Cola crown caps (now ~1260 used Coca-Cola caps in my collection. A very nice trade and a nice contact too. Thank you very much.

Great trade with Wim. 140 caps from photos and 100 blind.

Nice and quick trade, many interesting US caps. Thanks, Robert

200 caps from photos; a good mix from across the world. Thanks Tomas.

Hello dear Robert, package arrived! thank you for this fantastic exchange...You were precise and quick in shipping, excellent quality caps...Thanks again...

Excellent trade. 150 from photos + 50 blind.

nice quick trade, shipment went well, thanks, until next time.

Thanks Jan, 420 caps from photos. Nice mix of caps from everywhere, including many cork.

Very good exchange! I hope ,that we will exchange on the future!

grazie mille amico mio sono felice dello scambio ne faremo altri grazie

Many older Italian caps for my collection, thanks Lucio. 157 caps from photos.

Large trade, quick shipping. ~400 caps from photos + 50 blind. Thanks!

Scambio importante. Con tanti tappi anche per altri scambi. Altamente consigliato

Very good large trade of 400 caps, thanks Mauro.