- Letzte Zählung
- 21. Januar 2024
- Platzierung
- 1174
- Größe der Sammlung
- 2.733
- Länder
- 1
- Am häufigsten vertretenes Land
Belgien - 2.733
- Innendrucke
- Nein
- Randzeichen
- Nein
- Einlage
- Alle
- Erhaltung
- Alle
- Produkte
- Nur Bier
- Region
- Spezielle Interessen
- Spezielle Interessen
- Blind-Tausch
- Nein
- Favoriten: Länder
Belarus (Weißrussland)
Meine Tauschpartner

Very good exchange. I recommand the collector. I was enchanted to exchange with you. See you soon for another exchange. François

I definitely recommend the collector. Very good quick replacement.

ottimo scambio persona precisa e veloce bei esotici grazie Klaudia

Notre échange n’a pas été rapide – 6 semaines - vu nos activités extérieures réciproques et les fêtes - mais l’échange a été fructueux avec des capsules de divers pays. Seule remarque : améliorer le conditionnement des capsules pour le transport. Sinon, je vous recommande d’échanger avec Artur. Personne fiable. Our trade wasn’t quick – 6 weeks – due to our reciprocal outdoor activities and the holidays but the exchange was fruitful with crowncaps from various countries. The only remark is to improve the packaging for transport. Otherwise, I recommend you to trade with Artur. Reliable person.

Very good exchange. It took some time, but it was worth it. I definitely recommend it to a collector for whom caps are important, but also for other collectors