Pedro García
Партнёры по обменам

Perfect change. Great collector Highly recommended

Super exchange and caps, very good contact I greet arthur

Great collector, very kind. Big change. Thanks Arthur

Collezionista perfetto e affidabile,scambio veloce e perfetto. Ciao alla prossima!!!!!

Intercambiar con Pedro es siempre un placer. Totalmente recomendable.

Gran coleccionista. Cambios perfectos. Muy recomendable

Todo perfecto. Buen coleccionista muy recomendable

Great caps and very kind offer to replace the lost (during COVID-19) package!!!

Gran coleccionista, grandes cambios con él,muy generoso. Muchas gracias Toni

Magnifico coleccionista, muy recomendable. Muchas gracias por el cambio

Muy buen coleccionista y compañero, amable y rápido. Buen entendimiento. Muy recomendable

Muy recomendable, un buen cambio ayudandome a agrandar mi colección con buenas piezas! Highly recommended, a good change helping me to enlarge my collection with good pieces!

Muy buen coleccionista, amable y rápido. Buen entendimiento Muy recomendable. Gracias por el cambio, Bruno.

only too pleased to complete a great uncrimped crown cap trade with Pedro & Paula

Great collector, kind and very generous Many thanks John for some fantastic caps

Perfect trade, thanks for all the very nice caps. Til' next time

Great trade and collectors. Good communication and perfect caps

Good trade in Noordhorn. Hope to see you next year again there. Thank you.

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018. Good trade and friendly collector. Thanks

THanks for the trade in Noordhorn, hop to see you thee agian. DvD is ion his way to you

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018. Great collector, so generous with all the collectors. Friendly and a good trade. A pleasure to meet people like you

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018. Good trade, friendly collector. Thanks for the trade!!

Very good trade. A really well prepared and friendly trading partner. We met in the Netherlands in July 2018. Thank you and looking forward for next trades.

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018. Great collector, friendly, generous and always helpful. A pleasure to trade with you!! Very good trade

Great you were in Noordhorn Holland to trade! Hope we can also try to trade again by mail or facebook. Goodluck with your collection.

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018. Good collector and friendly.

It was a pleasure to trade with you and your father in Noordhorn. I hope we can repeat it! Thanks a lot!

Nice to meet you in Noordhorn 2018!! Good trade and kind collector. Thanks