Gerjo Mourik

Trade partners

John  Michael Breheny
John Michael BrehenyGerjo Mourik

top collector--interesting trade,

January 31, 2014
Gerjo Mourik
Gerjo MourikJohn Michael Breheny

John a.k.a. "Crowncapologist", Many, many thanks for the very nice trade of caps. Extraordinary good quality!

January 30, 2014
Александр Саломатов
Александр СаломатовGerjo Mourik

There were difficulties, all is well.

September 19, 2013
Gerjo Mourik
Gerjo MourikАлександр Саломатов

We fixed this situation, just a lost package in postal service somewhere. Alexander selected new caps, and I sent a package again.

April 30, 2013