Gerald Boarino

Gerald Boarino

CC.I #2912
United States
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Birth year
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English, Italian,  Spanish, French, Latin., reading German
Start collection
Last action
July 7, 2022 at 1:11 PM
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Crown caps stats

Last counted
June 26, 2022
Collection size
Most represented country
United States - 3,464
Inside prints
Factory signs


Only beer
Specific interests
USA, Latin America, Africa, Central Asia
Storage system
Plastic jewel cases
Blind trading
Favorites: Countries
  1. United States
  2. Italy
  3. Bolivia

Trade partners

Received ratings: 513
Aurelio Oliveira
Aurelio OliveiraGerald Boarino

Thanks for a very nice trade. The largest I have made so far. Very nice caps from many countries. Muito obrigado pela troca e pelo contato. É um prazer trocar mensagens com você.

June 24, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoAurelio Oliveira

an exchange of many scans produced a trade of quantity (275 items) and quality. choice items from brazil, hard-to-find countries of the caribbean and south america, as well as from the arctic north (greenland, iceland, faroe is.) has provided me a mappamundi in caps. aurelio, muito obrigado pela sua paciência e até a próxima troca.. junho 2022.

June 23, 2022
Robert & Wojtek & Maciej Szyndel
Robert & Wojtek & Maciej SzyndelGerald Boarino

Dziękujemy za otrzymane nowości, szczególnie za uzupełnienie kolekcji o kapsle "Bigfoot Expedition". Otrzymaliśmy dwie przesyłki. Z Geraldem była dobra komunikacja i szybko udało się uzgodnić wymianę. Polecamy tego kolekcjonera !

June 1, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoRobert & Wojtek & Maciej Szyndel

your neatly wrapped package arrived in record time and with pretty Polish postage affixed, no less. my compliments to you for the creation of a striking, user-friendly website that was a big aid in the selection process. as well, many appreciative thanks in being so accommodating. this potpourri of caps received contains some welcome beauties from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, etc. thanks ever so much!

May 6, 2022
Michel & Sons Cyr
Michel & Sons CyrGerald Boarino

Excellent échange. Très bonne communication. Gerald a une grande variété de bouchons de bière disponible. Merci beaucoup encore pour les beaux ajouts à ma collection, et à la prochaine... Michel

May 28, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoMichel & Sons Cyr

great to have the infusion of superb Canadian caps in my collection, plus some gems from the Caribbean. thanks, Michel to you and your energetic youngsters in making this a smooth exchange. Et, oui, à la prochaine...!

May 28, 2022


Trade partnerSentNumber of capsReceivedNumber of caps
Lance LinaresApril 26, 202277April 30, 202277
Benji Boley30February 14, 202230
Fülöp KárolyiAugust 4, 2021100October 26, 2021100
Cheryl and Jonathan BorchardtJuly 28, 2021September 28, 2021
Steve FowlerAugust 16, 2021165September 3, 2021