Gerald Boarino

Trade partners

Aurelio Oliveira
Aurelio OliveiraGerald Boarino

Thanks for a very nice trade. The largest I have made so far. Very nice caps from many countries. Muito obrigado pela troca e pelo contato. É um prazer trocar mensagens com você.

June 24, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoAurelio Oliveira

an exchange of many scans produced a trade of quantity (275 items) and quality. choice items from brazil, hard-to-find countries of the caribbean and south america, as well as from the arctic north (greenland, iceland, faroe is.) has provided me a mappamundi in caps. aurelio, muito obrigado pela sua paciência e até a próxima troca.. junho 2022.

June 23, 2022
Robert & Wojtek & Maciej Szyndel
Robert & Wojtek & Maciej SzyndelGerald Boarino

Dziękujemy za otrzymane nowości, szczególnie za uzupełnienie kolekcji o kapsle "Bigfoot Expedition". Otrzymaliśmy dwie przesyłki. Z Geraldem była dobra komunikacja i szybko udało się uzgodnić wymianę. Polecamy tego kolekcjonera !

June 1, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoRobert & Wojtek & Maciej Szyndel

your neatly wrapped package arrived in record time and with pretty Polish postage affixed, no less. my compliments to you for the creation of a striking, user-friendly website that was a big aid in the selection process. as well, many appreciative thanks in being so accommodating. this potpourri of caps received contains some welcome beauties from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, etc. thanks ever so much!

May 6, 2022
Michel & Sons Cyr
Michel & Sons CyrGerald Boarino

Excellent échange. Très bonne communication. Gerald a une grande variété de bouchons de bière disponible. Merci beaucoup encore pour les beaux ajouts à ma collection, et à la prochaine... Michel

May 28, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoMichel & Sons Cyr

great to have the infusion of superb Canadian caps in my collection, plus some gems from the Caribbean. thanks, Michel to you and your energetic youngsters in making this a smooth exchange. Et, oui, à la prochaine...!

May 28, 2022
Beat Keller
Beat KellerGerald Boarino

Nice Exchange, super inner pressure, simply Wonderfull, nice fellow, to recommend. Thank you Gerald thank you

May 4, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoBeat Keller

thanks for the plethora of german and swiss caps, as well as a highly sought after item from oceania. prompt email replies accompanied by humorous emoticons were also appreciated. beat, if you will permit me a pun, i have found all to be "unbeatable".

May 9, 2022
Michel Dubarle
Michel DubarleGerald Boarino

8 nouvelles capsules pour enrichir la collection, mais le plus important les messages sympathiques et aimables de Gerry. J’espère que nous ferons de nouveaux échanges ? Thanks a lot Gerry. (26/03/2022)

March 26, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoMichel Dubarle

in my 7 yrs. of collecting, my trade with michel has been the best ever. a small one, but one abounding with quality. adding these caps to my collection will be better than winning the Irish Sweep Stakes and El Gordo simultaneously. thanks, too, to michel for his kind indulgence. should you ever come to the States you have the standing offer of a free beer! or more? May our future have more "beaux échanges"!

March 13, 2022
Alexxander Gorencov
Alexxander GorencovGerald Boarino

Am avut placere sa fac un schimb cu Gerald, este o persoana foarte amabila si prietenoasa. Am facut un schimb mare si calitativ. Multumesc mult si sper sa mai facem scimburi in viitor.

March 25, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoAlexxander Gorencov

alexander, multumesc for the beautiful caps. finally, after 118 in transit, they arrived today. i hope that the political situation in your Moldova and Ukraine will improve. Slava Ukraini!---gerry

June 7, 2022
Andrea Sterpa
Andrea SterpaGerald Boarino

Scambio perfetto, grazie mille.

March 16, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoAndrea Sterpa

good communication for a good trade. thank you, andrea. a presto!

March 16, 2022
Ilias Kokinis
Ilias KokinisGerald Boarino

Έντιμος και σοβαρός συλλέκτης.Πολύ φιλικός.Γρήγορη συνεννόηση και ανταλλαγή και καπάκια σε πολύ καλή κατάσταση.Ευχαριστώ για όλα.

March 12, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoIlias Kokinis

a small, but pleasant trade: usa caps for greek. ilias gives every indication of being a generous person and a collector who is responsible and very knowledgeable.good luck in building your greek-cyprus holdings.

March 12, 2022
Nik Gyu
Nik GyuGerald Boarino

Беше голямо удоволствие да общувам и разменям капачки с Джери: изключително интелигентен и приятен събеседник и колекционер. Надявам се за нова размяна в скоро време! 心より感謝申し上げます。今後とも宜しくお願い致します。

March 9, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoNik Gyu

hae verba ante diem ix mensis martii MMCCII scriptae sunt. Ave...! Nik, commertia nostra LXXII coronnarum ex terra iaponica in communitationem pro ipso numero ex terra americana mihi multum placuit. informationes tuae super multas coronnas etiam multum aestimo. speremus ut in diebus futuris nos alteram communitationem experior potamus ut augendas feliciter collectiones nostras... .atque Vale!

March 8, 2022
Benji Boley
Benji BoleyGerald Boarino

Gerry is a delight to trade with. Not only does he have a huge cornucopia of duplicate, pristine caps, but his communication skills are extraordinary, his attentiveness is admirable and his good nature is evident. Trade with him and make your day!

February 16, 2022
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoBenji Boley

have had several trades with benji over the years. these have always been conducted without a hitch. his emails reveal a very pleasant and cooperative collector. while on the small side, our exchanges have nevertheless helped to quell my mental wanderlust. hopefully, more exchanges await the both of us.

February 14, 2022
Matjaz Zupan
Matjaz ZupanGerald Boarino

Excellent trade! Odlična menjava, toplo priporočam! Veselim se naslednje menjave.

August 15, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoMatjaz Zupan

havala vam, matjaž, for all the caps from the former yugoslavia. your nicely packaged items arrived in record time, while mine to you took triple the time with more than odd routing. go figure! for me, however, the pièce de resistance cap for this armchair traveler was guadeloupe. indeed, another trade sometime in the near future would be most welcome.

July 7, 2021
Rich Chinnock
Rich ChinnockGerald Boarino

Good small first trade. Very friendly collector, and I will exchange with again

July 25, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoRich Chinnock

A modest (30 caps) but fruitful exchange, with superb caps from Sri Lanka and Armenia. Am looking forward to more pleasant exchanges with Rich!

July 24, 2021
Stanislav Emirov
Stanislav EmirovGerald Boarino

Thank you, Gerry! Excellent exchange and a pleasant experience.

May 24, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoStanislav Emirov

Steve, thank you for facilitating a trade of 96 caps. While i appreciate the large number of Scandinavian caps, the pièce de resistance was/is the cap from the Aland Islands.Your humor , exuberance, care were always omnipresent in our email exchanges. The Stockholm-Port Townsend transit took 23 days. A sign that perhaps matters are returning to "normal"? Hopefully, there be future exchanges in the offing.

May 12, 2021
Luis Alberto Bendin
Luis Alberto BendinGerald Boarino

Exchange in Pandemic with record time. Thank you for sharing this exchange on a personal level and beautiful caps. many US caps that entered my collection As always at your disposal

May 20, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoLuis Alberto Bendin

My nicely wrapped 190 caps arrived from Buenos Aires in "record time." 31 days, in fact. The 100 or so Argentine caps therein make me wonder whether there are any beer caps left in tango and asado land. Thanks, Luís, for the friendly exchange that included humor, cultural tidbits, and, last but not least, interesting bottle caps. ¡Hasta el próximo canje!

May 17, 2021
Robert Dowdle
Robert DowdleGerald Boarino

Great to trade with. Excellent caps from New Zealand and USA!

March 13, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoRobert Dowdle

thanks for kindly facilitating my largest trade ever. your package arrived in good order and record time. Robert, much success in your hunt.

March 6, 2021
Toni Campos
Toni CamposGerald Boarino

Tot molt bé. Enten el català!!!!!!

March 9, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoToni Campos

amic, toni. thank you for this our third trade. may i hope for a 4th?! compliments on your carefully planned website, wherein countries are alphabetized and beer caps are presented separated from non-beer. it also helps the selection process to have your guide posts animated. a very user-friendly effort on your part. once again: ¡ moltíssimes gràcies!

March 9, 2021
Pavel Stanek
Pavel StanekGerald Boarino

Thank you for trade excellent !!!!

February 23, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoPavel Stanek

Thanks so much for the pleasant and profitable trade. The caps were carefully packed and of excellent quality. Surprised at how much "exotic" traders you have and wish that I had equally attractive material to have lured more away. At least, I now have Angola, Tunisia and Tajikistan. Ain't bad for a first trade. I can only hope that our paths will again cross and that you continue having success and enjoyment with our mutual hobby.

February 22, 2021
Mattia Abbaticchio
Mattia AbbaticchioGerald Boarino

E' stato un grande piacere aver conosciuto e scambiato con Gerald, soprattutto aver ricevuto in regalo tanti tappi di microbirrifici Usa e della Nuova Zelanda, oltre a due nazioni che non avevo. Spero di fare tanti scambi in futuro.

January 29, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoMattia Abbaticchio

A pleasure to have traded with this young and enthusiastic collector. Caps nicely package and expeditiously handled. Hope to have other trades down the road. Thank you, colleague!

January 25, 2021
Stephan Hunold
Stephan HunoldGerald Boarino

thx Gerry for excellent exchange! very fast and uncomplicated. everytime again! Excellenter Tausch; schnell und unkompliziert. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.

January 14, 2021
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoStephan Hunold

a very smooth exchange with a friendly and cooperative collector. caps arrived in record time and vg. condition. would happily exchange w. Stephan again.

January 20, 2021
Alessandro Gamba
Alessandro GambaGerald Boarino

December 30, 2020
Gerald Boarino
Gerald BoarinoAlessandro Gamba

January 28, 2021